Security token verification

Only allow requests that contain a correct security token

The security token verification feature allows for ESB3024 Router to only process requests that contain a correct security token. The token is generated by the client, for example in the portal, using an algorithm that it shares with the router. The router verifies the token and rejects the request if the token is incorrect.

It is beyond the scope of this document to describe how the token is generated, that is described in the Security Tokens application note that is installed with the ESB3024 Router’s extra documentation.

Setting up a Routing Rule

The token verification is performed by calling the verify_security_token() function from a routing rule. The function returns 1 if the token is correct, otherwise it returns 0. It should typically be called from the first routing rule, to make requests with bad tokens fail as early as possible.

The confcli example assumes that the router already has rules configured, with an entry point named select_cdn. Token verification is enabled by inserting an “allow” rule first in the rule list.

confcli services.routing.rules -w
Running wizard for resource 'rules'

Hint: Hitting return will set a value to its default.
Enter '?' to receive the help string

rules : [
  rule can be one of
    1: allow
    2: consistentHashing
    3: contentPopularity
    4: deny
    5: firstMatch
    6: random
    7: rawGroup
    8: rawHost
    9: split
    10: weighted
  Choose element index or name: allow
  Adding a 'allow' element
    rule : {
      name (default: ): token_verification
      type (default: allow):
      condition (default: always()): verify_security_token()
      onMatch (default: ): select_cdn
  Add another 'rule' element to array 'rules'? [y/N]: n
Generated config:
  "rules": [
      "name": "token_verification",
      "type": "allow",
      "condition": "verify_security_token()",
      "onMatch": "select_cdn"
Merge and apply the config? [y/n]: y

$ confcli services.routing.entrypoint token_verification
services.routing.entrypoint = 'token_verification'
"routing": {
  "id": "token_verification",
  "member_order": "sequential",
  "members": [
      "id": "token_verification.0.select_cdn",
      "member_order": "weighted",
      "members": [
      "weight_function": "return verify_security_token() ~= 0"
      "id": "token_verification.1.rejected",
      "member_order": "sequential",
      "members": [],
      "weight_function": "return 1"
  "weight_function": "return 100"

Configuring Security Token Options

The secret parameter is not part of the router request, but needs to be configured separately in the router. That can be done with the host-config tool that is installed with the router.

Besides configuring the secret, host-config can also configure floating sessions and a URL prefix. Floating sessions are sessions that are not tied to a specific IP address. When that is enabled, the token verification will not take the IP address into account when verifying the token.

The security token verification is configured per host, where a host is the name of the host that the request was sent to. This makes it possible for a router to support multiple customer accounts, each with their own secret. If no configuration is found for a host, a configuration with the name default is used.

host-config supports three commands: print, set and delete.


The print command prints the current configuration for a host. The following parameters are supported:

host-config print [-n <host-name>]

By default it prints the configuration for all hosts, but if the optional -n flag is given it will print the configuration for a single host.


The set command sets the configuration for a host. The configuration is given as command line parameters. The following parameters are supported:

host-config set
    -n <host-name>
    [-f floating]
    [-p url-prefix]
    [-r <secret-to-remove>]
    [-s <secret-to-add>]
  • -n <host-name> - The name of the host to configure.
  • -f floating - A boolean option that specifies if floating sessions are accepted. The parameter accepts the values true and false.
  • -p url-prefix - A URL prefix that is used for identifying requests that come from a certain account. This is not used when verifying tokens.
  • -r <secret-to-remove> - A secret that should be removed from the list of secrets.
  • -s <secret-to-add> - A secret that should be added to the list of secrets.

For example, to set the secret “secret-1” and enable floating sessions for the default host, the following command can be used:

host-config set -n default -s secret-1 -f true

The set command only touches the configuration options that are mentioned on the command line, so the following command line will add a second secret to the default host without changing the floating session setting:

host-config set -n default -s secret-2

It is possible to set multiple secrets per host. This is useful when updating a secret, then both the old and the new secret can be valid during the transition period. After the transition period the old secret can be removed by typing:

host-config set -n default -r secret-1


The delete command deletes the configuration for a host. It supports the following parameters:

host-config delete -n <host-name>

For example, to delete the configuration for, the following command can be used:

host-config delete -n

Global Options

host-config also has a few global options. They are:

  • -k <security-key> - The security key that is used when communicating with the router. This is normally retrieved automatically.
  • -h - Print a help message and exit.
  • -r <router> - The router to connect to. This default to localhost, but can be changed to connect to a remote router.
  • -v - Verbose output, can be given multiple times.

Debugging Security Token Verification

The security token verification only logs messages when the log level is set to 4 or higher. Then it will only log some errors. It is possible to enable more verbose logging using the security-token-config that is installed together with the router.

When verbose logging is enabled, the router will log information about the token verification, including the configured token secrets, so it needs to be used with care.

The logged lines are prefixed with verify_security_token.

The security-token-config tool supports the commands print and set.

The print command prints the current configuration. If nothing is configured it will not print anything.


The set command sets the configuration. The following parameters are supported:

security-token-config set
    [-d <enabled>]
  • -d <enabled> - A boolean option that specifies if debug logging should be enabled or not. The parameter accepts the values true and false.