Convoy Bridge

Convoy Bridge Integration

The convoy-bridge is an optional integration service, pre-installed alongside the router which provides two-way communication between the router and a separate Convoy installation.

The convoy-bridge is designed to allow the Convoy account metadata to be available from within the router for such use-cases as inserting the account specific prefixes in the redirect URL and validating per-account internal security tokens. The service works by periodically polling the Convoy server for changes to the configuration, and when detected, the relevant configuration information is pushed to the router.

In addition, the convoy-bridge has the ability to integrate the router with the Convoy analytics service, such that client sessions started by the router are properly collected by Convoy, and are available in the dashboards.


The convoy-bridge service is configured using confcli on the router host. All configuration for the convoy-bridge exists under the path integration.convoy.bridge.

  "logLevel": "info",
  "accounts": {
    "enabled": true,
    "dbUrl": "mysql://convoy:eith7jee@convoy:3306",
    "dbPollInterval": 60
  "analytics": {
    "enabled": true,
    "brokers": ["broker1:9092", "broker2:9092"],
    "batchInterval": 10,
    "maxBatchSize": 500
  "otherRouters": [
      "url": "https://router2:5001",
      "apiKey": "key1",
      "validateCerts": true

In the above configuration block, there are three main sections. The accounts section enables fetching account metadata from Convoy towards the router. The analytics section controls the integration between the router and the Convoy analytics service. The otherRouters section is used to synchronize additional router instances. The local router instance will always be implicitly included. Additional routers listed in this section will be handled by this instance of the convoy-bridge service.


The logs are available in the system journal and can be viewed using:

journalctl -u acd-convoy-bridge