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Visualizing data with Grafana

1 - Managing Grafana

Grafana displays graphs based on data from Prometheus. A default deployment of Grafana is running in a container alongside ESB3024 Router.

Grafana’s configuration and runtime files are stored under /opt/edgeware/acd/grafana. It comes with default dashboards that are documented at Grafana dashboards.

Accessing Grafana

Grafana’s web interface is listening for HTTP connections on port 3000. It has two default accounts, edgeware and admin.

The edgeware account can only view graphs, while the admin account can also edit graphs. The accounts with default passwords are shown in the table below.

AccountDefault password

Starting / Stopping Grafana

Grafana can be managed via systemd, under the service unit acd-grafana.

systemctl start acd-grafana


The container logs are automatically published to the system journal, under the same unit descriptor, and can be viewed using journalctl

journalctl -u acd-grafana

2 - Grafana Dashboards

Dashboards in default Grafana installation

Grafana will be populated with pre-configured graphs which present some metrics on a time scale. Below is a comprehensive list of those dashboards, along with short descriptions.

Router Monitoring dashboard

This dashboard is by default set as home directory - it’s what user will see after logging in.

Number Of Initial Routing Decisions

HTTP Status Codes

Total number of responses sent back to incoming requests, shown by their status codes. Metric: client-response-status

Incoming HTTP and HTTPS Requests

Total number of incoming requests that were deemed valid, divided into SSL and Unencrypted categories. Metric: num_valid_http_requests

Debugging Information dashboard

Number of Lua Exceptions

Number of exceptions encountered so far while evaluating Lua rules. Metric: lua_num_errors

Number of Lua Contexts

Number of active Lua interpreters, both running and idle. Metric: lua_num_evaluators

Time Spent In Lua

Number of microseconds the Lua interpreters were running. Metric: lua_time_spent

Router Latencies

Histogram-like graph showing how many responses were sent within the given latency interval. Metric: orc_latency_bucket

Internal debugging

A folder that contains dashboards intended for internal use.

ACD: Incoming Internet Connections dashboard

SSL Warnings

Rate of warnings logged during TLS connections Metric: num_ssl_warnings_total

SSL Errors

Rate of errors logged during TLS connections Metric: num_ssl_errors_total

Valid Internet HTTPS Requests

Rate of incoming requests that were deemed valid, HTTPS only. Metric: num_valid_http_requests

Invalid Internet HTTPS Requests

Rate of incoming requests that were deemed invalid, HTTPS only. Metric: num_invalid_http_requests

Valid Internet HTTP Requests

Rate of incoming requests that were deemed valid, HTTP only. Metric: num_valid_http_requests

Invalid Internet HTTP Requests

Rate of incoming requests that were deemed invalid, HTTP only. Metric: num_invalid_http_requests

Prometheus: ACD dashboard

Logged Warnings

Rate of logged warnings since the router has started, divided into CDN-related and CDN-unrelated. Metric: num_log_warnings_total

Logged Errors

Rate of logged errors since the router has started. Metric: num_log_errors_total

HTTP Requests

Rate of responses sent to incoming connections. Metric: orc_latency_count

Number Of Active Sessions

Number of sessions opened on router that are still active. Metric: num_sessions

Total Number Of Sessions

Total number of sessions opened on router. Metric: num_sessions

Session Type Counts (Non-Stacked)

Number of active sessions divided by type; see metric documentation linked below for up-to-date list of types. Metric: num_sessions

Prometheus/ACD: Subrunners

Client Connections

Number of currently open client connections per subrunner. Metric: subrunner_client_conns

Asynchronous Queues (Current)

Number of queued events per subrunner, roughly corresponding to load. Metric: subrunner_async_queue

Used <Send/receive> Data Blocks

Number of send or receive data blocks currently in use per subrunner, as decided by the “Send/receive” drop down box. Metric: subrunner_used_send_data_blocks and subrunner_used_receive_data_blocks

Asynchronous Queues (Max)

Maximum number of events waiting in queue. Metric: subrunner_max_async_queue

Total <Send/receive> Data Blocks

Number of send or receive data blocks allocated per subrunner, as decided by the “Send/receive” drop down box. Metric: subrunner_total_send_data_blocks and subrunner_total_receive_data_blocks

Low Queue (Current)

Number of low priority events queued per subrunner. Metric: subrunner_low_queue

Medium Queue (Current)

Number of medium priority events queued per subrunner. Metric: subrunner_medium_queue

High Queue (Current)

Number of high priority events queued per subrunner. Metric: subrunner_high_queue

Low Queue (Max)

Maximum number of events waiting in low priority queue. Metric: subrunner_max_low_queue

Medium Queue (Max)

Maximum number of events waiting in medium priority queue. Metric: subrunner_max_medium_queue

High Queue (Max)

Maximum number of events waiting in high priority queue. Metric: subrunner_max_high_queue


The number of times a subrunner has been waken up from sleep. Metric: subrunner_io_wakeups


The number of times the number of queued events for a subrunner exceeded its maximum. Metric: subrunner_times_worker_overloaded


Number of sockets that have been automatically paused. This happens when the work manager is under heavy load. Metric: subrunner_io_autopause_sockets