CBM channel configuration

Setup channel configuration for ew-cbm

ew-cbm is a Catchup manager, copy segments from ramdisk to persistent storage and serve incoming HTTP requests from Software Repackager.

confcli services.liveIngest.channels. -w
Running wizard for resource 'Channels'
<A list of channels>

Hint: Hitting return will set a value to its default.
Enter '?' to receive the help string

Running wizard for resource 'Channels'
<A list of channels>   
Hint: Hitting return will set a value to its default.
Enter '?' to receive the help string
Channels <A list of channels>: [
  Channel <Configuration for a single channel>: {
    Channel Name (default: default): cmafingest-channel
    Channel State (default: enabled): cbm-only         
    Catchup Location (default: ): cb1
    Channel Name Alias (default: ): 
    Channel Template Name (default: default): 
    Config Id (default: 0): 
    Input Sources <A list of input sources>: [
      Input Source <Input source configuration>: {
        Backup IGMPv3 Source (default: ): 
        Error correction (default: off): 
        IGMPv3 Source (default: ): 
        Source (default: ):  
        Passphrase for SRT connection (default: ):  
        Tracks <A list of tracks from the channel template>: [
          Track <Configuration for a single track>: {
            Log Level (default: INHERIT): 
            Track Name (default: default): 
            Variant flags (default: -1): 
          Add another 'track' element to array 'tracks'? [y/N]: 
        Use As SCTE-35 Source (default: False): 
      Add another 'inputSource' element to array 'inputSources'? [y/N]: 
    Logging <Logging configuration>: {
      General Log Level (default: INHERIT): 
      Track Log Level (default: INHERIT): 
      Source Log Level (default: INHERIT): 
    Nielsen Marker Tracking (default: off): 
    Segmentation Template Name (default: default):  
  Add another 'channel' element to array 'channels'? [y/N]: 
Generated config:
  "channels": [
      "name": "cmafingest-channel",
      "state": "cbm-only",
      "catchupLocation": "cb1",
      "alias": "",
      "channelTemplate": "default",
      "configId": 0,
      "inputSources": [
          "backupIgmpV3Source": "",
          "errorCorrection": "off",
          "igmpV3Source": "",
          "source": "",
          "srtPassphrase": "",
          "tracks": [
              "logLevel": "INHERIT",
              "name": "default",
              "variantFlags": -1
          "useAsScte35Source": false
      "logging": {
        "general": "INHERIT",
        "track": "INHERIT",
        "source": "INHERIT"
      "nielsenMarkerTracking": "off",
      "segmentationTemplate": "default"
Merge and apply the config? [y/n]:

Only three configurations should be cared about: Channel Name (name), Channel State (state), Catchup Location (catchupLocation), others are meaningful for ew-live-ingest, another part of SW Live Ingest, so they should be left as default:

  • Channel Name (name): have to be exactly the same with the channel name configured in ew-hlsingest, so that ew-cbm will know where to look for the input.
  • Channel State (state): cbm-only is a must.
  • Catchup Location (catchupLocation) (optional): is the location that ew-cbm will write the catch up buffer to, please refer to ew-cbm documentation to know how to configure it.

After done configuring, this command, ew-cb-media, can be used to check for the running channel. If the channel name appears in the output of that command and the duration of catchup buffer starts growing (repeat the command the see if the channel is growing, or just use watch ew-cb-media), then the live content can now be delivered through ew-cbm to repackager and beyond.